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Triple Please (Demo)

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Triple Please (Demo) Empty Triple Please (Demo)

Mensaje por Underdog Mar 14 Abr 2009, 10:09 pm

Aca le dejo la letra del mejor tema para mi de Bif If:

"Triple Please"

Please excuse my convictions.
If things are different don’t be alarmed.
And when it gets hard to listen I’ll try and leave out the painful parts.
You know I’ve gotta ask you to let go.

Please, please, please let me out.
We’re not what its about.
And this is still the only way that I know how to say.
This getting out’s not getting out.
If everything still comes around, I’ll come around. I’ll be around.

You’re not this year’s edition.
Don’t want you thinking I could easily move on.
Should you wake up without me.
Know I left you but I’m not gone.
You know I’ve gotta ask you to let go.
But I know some things get better as they go.

Please, please, please let me out.
We’re not what its about.
And this is still the only way that I know how to say.
This getting out’s not getting out.
If everything still comes around, I’ll come around. I’ll be around.
I’ll come around. I’ll be around.

Please, please, please let me out.
We’re not what its about.
And this is still the only way that I know how to say.
This getting out’s not getting out.
If everything still comes around, I’ll come around.

Please, please, please let me out.
We’re not what its about.
And this is still the only way that I know how to say.
This getting out’s not getting out.
If everything still comes around, I’ll come around. I’ll be around.
I’ll be around.

Fuente: (muy buena pagina)

Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 528
Edad : 37
Localización : City of Devil
¿Integrante favorito? : Ryan, Peter, Sean y LP
¿Tema/s Favorito/s? : City of Devil, Back Home, Empy Aparment, Miles Aparts, Cut me, Mick...
Fecha de inscripción : 12/11/2008

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Triple Please (Demo) Empty Re: Triple Please (Demo)

Mensaje por YellowVirus Miér 15 Abr 2009, 5:17 pm

Para mi tambien es el mejor
Gracias x el aporte!!!

Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 691
Edad : 30
¿Integrante favorito? : Benjamin Harper and Longineu Parsons III.
¿Tema/s Favorito/s? : Inside Out | Holly Wood Died | Martin Sheen Of JFK | Afraid | Shrink The World | Shadows And Regrets | Keeper.
Fecha de inscripción : 12/11/2008

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