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Always Almost (Ingles)

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Always Almost (Ingles) Empty Always Almost (Ingles)

Mensaje por Underdog Mar 19 Oct 2010, 7:28 pm

"Always Almost"

You and me we’re always almost there
Postmarked letter went nowhere
You always get here right when I have gone
You and me we’re always almost

I wear you on my sleeve everywhere I go
I can’t separate the moment from a show
I heard a lot has changed
I heard you learned to dance
And I cannot keep up
I never had a chance

You and me we’re always almost there
Postmarked letter went nowhere
You always get here right when I have gone
Don’t know where I’m supposed to start
What it is keeping us apart
You’re always getting off I’m hanging on
You and me we’re always

Part of me has hope
Part of me has doubt
All of me believes we’ll never work this out
Someone cut me off
I know I’ve had too much
And you become a ghost I never cared to touch
I never cared to touch

You and me we’re always almost there
Postmarked letter went nowhere
You always get here right when I have gone
Don’t know where I’m supposed to start
What it is keeping us apart
You’re always getting off I’m hanging on
You and me we’re always

Always almost there

Get to see your face
Everywhere I go
Right when I forgot
You’re back to let me know
That everything has changes
And you don’t know me
And I cannot keep up
Oh, I can’t keep up

You and me we’re always almost there
Postmarked letter went nowhere
You always get here right when I have gone
Don’t know where I’m supposed to start
What it is keeping us apart
You’re always getting off I’m hanging on
You and me we’re always there

Always almost
Always almost there

Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 528
Edad : 37
Localización : City of Devil
¿Integrante favorito? : Ryan, Peter, Sean y LP
¿Tema/s Favorito/s? : City of Devil, Back Home, Empy Aparment, Miles Aparts, Cut me, Mick...
Fecha de inscripción : 12/11/2008

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